Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Meet Emily Freeman

A year or two ago, my friend, Megan Kilgore, introduced me to a blog called "chatting at the sky." When I first checked it out, I wasn't ready for it. I would skim it and think the pictures were pretty. I would glance at the words but just skip over them. I eventually got to where I wouldn't even click on the blog in my reading list.

But then one day I started reading it again. And it happened at JUST the right time in my life. For months, her words have been speaking directly to my heart. I find myself writing down some of her quotes in my journal almost every day.

Emily wrote a book, and I didn't know much about it until I watched the video that she posted today. I just watched the video and tears began spilling out of my eyes. Her words basically describe my whole life, and where I am right now. Her words were SO encouraging to me and I think they will encourage you too.

So, head over to Emily's Blog and watch the video. Don't skip over it. Do it.

And now I'm going to go pre-order her book :)

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